Your Shoelace retargeting ads require a lot of upkeep on the backend 💪which will cease upon cancelling our services. Here's what you can expect upon cancellation:
1.) All active Shoelace Ads will be paused. These ads will not be deleted by our system as they contain your data and results. Please note our system may be unable to pause ads if an account was cancelled while disabled or unsettled or if an ad was turned on manually by the end user in Facebook.
2.) All Shoelace generated audiences will be deleted. Shoelace audiences contain the naming convention "SL-*numbers.*" Please note if you are making use of Shoelace generated audiences for your own ads (or for lookalike audience creation) that this will cause Facebook to pause your own ads as well. To prevent this from happening please remove/replace any Shoelace generated audiences from your own ads prior to cancellation.
3.) All Shoelace generated product catalogs (general or for reviews integrations) will be deleted. Please note if you are using a Shoelace generated product catalog for your own ads or for tagging purposes you will need to replace it with a new one.
4.) Shoelace will no longer fire your Facebook pixel and/or custom events that are used to segment audiences (e.g. scroll depth, time on site).
We care about your business and realize that a lot of clients make added use of Shoelace assets - please make note of which assets will cease upon cancellation to ensure a smooth experience.
We hope to work with you again in the future!